The word ‘disruption' often has negative connotations in the English language with a feeling of disruption and inconvenience. In actual fact, disruption is what causes change; and in business, it can create new markets, galvanise product development and steer industries into new directions. The concept of 'disruptive innovation' in a market isn’t new, but it’s still not the norm. In reality, disruption is something your business should be striving for - to anticipate future customer appetite and needs, and to conquer new areas of commerce before your competitors do.

IT is an extremely competitive sector and given the rapidity of technological developments, it can be a tough sector for businesses to survive.

The best way for your company to become disruptive within its market segment is to take a fresh approach to the way you deal with customers. In an age of automation and transactional customer relationships, the innovation here may not be taking a modern approach… but instead, taking it back to basics and offering good, old-fashioned customer service.

Offering a comprehensive and bespoke service as standard need not become time-consuming if done in the most efficient way. This is where Procurri can help you optimise not just your precious business minutes, but your effort, too. By working within and complementing your OEM agreements rather than conflicting against them, you can sell more OEM equipment and maximise your profit margins whilst nurturing both new and existing strategic relationships to increase their lifetime customer value and to promote customer loyalty. Your relationships will be stronger, more profitable and last longer.

Working with Procurri allows your company to become the problem solvers for your customers – working with and finding solutions even where they feel inhibited by a lack of budget or by the management of legacy assets. You’ll add value rather than just sell. This is such a rare approach, it will make you stand out from the crowd and give you a tangible differentiation from the competition in the market.

Even if your customers are just looking to buy, Procurri can positively disrupt your pitch offerings to help you gain competitive advantage, too. Applying our asset recovery programme, the trade-in value of hardware can be used to discount your sale price. Your competitors will be undercut in a way they can’t match and won’t know how you’ve done it! Once the business relationship blossoms and continues, you can go on to add value and offer additional services throughout the business lifespan in different ways; making it a win-win to work with you and ensuring you retain custom (which is always cheaper than recruiting new).

Disrupt your marketplace by innovating the personal way – something that technology will never be able to replace.